Below is a list of over 40 publication highlights including journal and encyclopedia articles, children’s Deaf heritage books, and teacher and parent guidebooks.
- Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf. (2022). Def-T Training Package [Gallant, L., Project Manager; Small, A. Content Manager/Author], Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Cripps, J. H., Small, A., Lyonblum, E., Supalla, S. J., Whyte, A. K., & J.S.Cripps. 2021. Signed music and the deaf community. In A. Cruz (Ed.), Culture, deafness & music: Disability studies and a path to social justice. Rotterdam, NL: Brill-Sense Publishers.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2021. Language Planning: Development of, the First Animated American Sign Language Dictionary for Children. SASL Journal, Vol.4, No.1, Spring/ Summer, 2020, 73-92.
- Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf (Series Author) (2021). Poetry in Visual Art: A Deaf Retrospective. [Cripps, J. Project Manager; Hafizirad, M. Curator and Small, A. Content Manager/ Interpretive Planner]. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Small, A. (2021). Mentorship for Canadian Deaf Artists: Fostering Deaf Performance Arts Excellence, Research Report. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf. (2021). THE BLACK DRUM Signed Musical: Behind the Scenes Youth Activities Guide. [Cripps, J. Project Manager; Small, A. Content Manager/ Author], Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Supalla, S..; Small, A.; and J. S. Cripps. 2020. “American Sign Language for Everyone: Considerations for Universal Design and Youth Identity,” Society for American Sign Language Journal: Vol. 4 : No. 2 , Article 9. Available at:
- Cripps, J.H., Rosenblum, E. and Small, A. 2019. Signed music: An emerging inter-performative art. In Eldridge, B.K. Stringham, D. and Jarashow, B. (Eds.) Deaf Studies Today! Waypoints Conference Proceedings. Orem, Utah: Utah Valley University (pp.179-186).
- Cripps, J.S. and Small, A.2018. Effective Deaf Sports Collections On Exhibition and On-Line. Proceedings of the Deaf History International Conference 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland.
- Small, A. 2017. Introduction to NGT Performing Arts in the Netherlands through the Work of Poet Wim Emmerik. Sign Language Studies Vol. 17. No 4. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
- Cripps, J.H., Rosenblum, E., Small, A. and S. Supalla. 2017. A Case Study on Signed Music: The Emergence of an Inter-performance Art. Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, Vol. 13, No. 2.
- Cripps, J.S. and Small, A. 2016. Deaf Culture Centre: How the Community Takes its Rightful Place in History. Sign Language Studies. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
- Small, A., Cripps, J.S. and Cote, J. 2016. Deaf Identity: Identity Development and Agency. In P. Boudreault, G. Gertz and J.G. Golson (Eds.), The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Cripps, J.H., Rosenblum, E. and Small, A. 2016. Signed Music. In P. Boudreault, G. Gertz and J.G. Golson (Eds.), The Deaf Studies Encyclopedia, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf (Series author) 2015. Deaf Arts Handbook Series: Vol.2. Signed Music Rhythm of the Heart. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Cripps, J.S., Paul, J., Snoddon, K., Small, A. and Kerr, D. 2015. Moving Forward: Early American Sign Language (ASL) Language Planning. Language Education Symposium Commentaries. Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto.
- Small, A. 2014. Foreword. In K. Snoddon (Ed.), Telling Deaf Lives: Agents of Change. Washington, D.C.: Gallaudet University Press.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2014. Questions Parents Ask (2nd Edition) Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Hearing Society and the Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Supalla, S., Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2013. American Sign Language for All: Considerations for Universal Design and Deaf Youth Identity. Toronto, Ontario: Ministry of Education and Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research.
- Small, A. Cripps, J. and Côté, J. 2012. Cultural Space and Self / Identity Development Among Deaf Youth Monograph, Toronto, Ontario: Ministry of Education and Knowledge Network for Applied Education Research.
- Small, A. 2011. Bilingual Language Planning in Deaf Education: Language, Literacy and Empowerment, Monograph, translated and published in Japanese, Tokyo, Japan: Keio University Press.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2011. On Becoming: Developing an Empowering Cultural Identity Framework for Deaf Youth and Adults. Toronto, Ontario: Ministry of Children and Youth Services.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2010. Evolution of the First Animated American Sign Language Dictionary for Children. In Bilingual Education Interdisciplinary Studies, TESOL
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2009. Attitude Planning and Language Planning. In Reference Guide: Barrier Free Education. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Hearing Society, 23-43.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2009. Attitude planning: constructing a language planning framework toward empowerment in Deaf education. Toronto, Ontario: Canadian Hearing Society and Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf, 1-18.
- Snoddon, K. and Small, A. 2009. The American Sign Language Parent-Child Mother Goose Program: A National Project, An information brief prepared for the National Strategy for Early Literacy by the Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Small, A. and D. Mason 2008. ASL Bilingual Bicultural Education. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Hornberger, N. (Ed.) Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, Volume 5.
- Cripps, J., Small, A. and L. McLaughlin 2007. Eye Spy ASL Handshapes. CCSD and OCSD.
- Small, A. (Ed.) 2006. Action Research in a Bilingual Bicultural School for Deaf Students. Bilingual Bicultural Education for Deaf Students Monograph Series No, 2. Toronto: Ministry of Education and Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Mclaughlin, L. Small, A. Spink-Mitchell, C. and J. Cripps 2004. A Parent Guidebook: ASL and Early Literacy Snoddon, K., Small, A. and J. Cripps (Eds.), Toronto: Ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Small, A. 2003. ASL Developmental Milestones. Toronto: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf and the Ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2003. Questions Parents Ask. Toronto: Canadian Hearing Society and the Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Small, A. and Snoddon, K. 2003. Annotated References. Toronto: Ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf.
- Small, A. 2000. A Guide for Parents and Teachers to Accompany the ASL and English Literature Videotape Series, Freckles and Popper, Toronto: Canadian Cultural Society of the Deaf
- Small, A. and J. Cripps, 1999. American Sign Language Literature and Deaf Literature Join Library Collections Across Canada, Feliciter: Journal of the Canadian Library Association, Vol 45, #3.
- Gibson, H., Small, A., and Mason, D. 1997. Deaf Bilingual Bicultural Education. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Corson, D. et al. (Eds.) Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
- Smith, D., Small, A. and McLeod, P.(Eds.) 1996. You and Your Deaf Child: A Parent Information Kit. Prepared by The Ontario Association of the Deaf and The Ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf, Toronto: Bob Rumball Centre for the Deaf.
- Small, A. 1996. Afterword and Foreword: Signs of Change From Within. In Smith, D. And Small, A. (Eds.) Teacher Research in a Bilingual Bicultural School for Deaf Students. Bilingual Bicultural Education for Deaf Students Monograph Series No, 1. Toronto: Ministry of Education and Training, pp. 89-108.
- Smith, D. and Small, A. (Eds.) 1996. Teacher Research in a Bilingual Bicultural School for Deaf Students. Bilingual Bicultural Education for Deaf Students Monograph Series No, 1. Toronto: Ministry of Education and Training.
- Gibson, H. and Small, A. 1995. Reflections of Ourselves: The Deaf Community From Both Sides of the Mirror. In Smith, D. (Ed.), Signing On: Adopting a Cultural Perspective, Bobier, D. London, Ontario: Mcintosh Gallery.
- Philip, M.J. and Small, A. 1992. Bilingual Bicultural Program Development at The Learning Center for Deaf Children. In J. Cebe (Ed.), Deaf Studies: What’s Up? Washington: Galludet University 51-107.
- Philip, M. and Small, A. 1991. The Path to Bilingualism and Biculturalism at The Learning Center for Deaf Children. In M. Garretson (Ed.), Perspectives on Deafness: A Deaf American Monograph, 41, (1-2), Silver Spring: National Association of the Deaf 121-123.
- Philip, M.J. and Small, A. 1990. The Path to Bilingualism and Biculturalism at The Learning Center for Deaf Children. Conference of American Instructors for the Deaf Special Interest Newsletter
- Small, A. 1988. Negotiating conversation. Human Communication, 12 (1), 55.
- Small, A. 1986. Negotiating conversation: Interactions of a hearing impaired child with her adult partners in language therapy. Published doctoral dissertation, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati.
- Snow, C., Midkiff-Borunda, S., Small, A., & Proctor, A. 1984. Therapy as social interaction: Analyzing the contexts for language remediation. Topics in Language Disorders, 4 (4), 72-85.
- Small, A. 1983. Review of Cole, P. Language disorders in preschool children. Volta Review, 85 (3), 174-175.