A list of presentation highlights is available below.
- Cripps, J.H., Lyonblum, E. and Small, A. 2020. Signed Music in the Deaf Community: Performing the Black Drum at Festival Clin D’Oeil, Music Festival Studies Conference (Virtual): Current Perspectives: Future Directions, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), July 30, 2020.
- Small, A. and Hafizirad, M. 2020. Effective Grant Writing for Deaf Artists/Newcomers to Canada: Build Your Dream House and Live in It! Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario. February 19/20, 2020.
- Small, A. 2018. How to Start Your Business, Bob Rumball Canadian Centre of Excellence for the Deaf (BRCCED), Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program; Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, Toronto, Ontario, May 3, 2018.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2018. Effective Grant Writing for Deaf Artists: Build Your Dream House and Live in It! Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario. March 27/28, 2018.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2017. Effective Grant Writing for Deaf Artists: Build Your Dream House and Live in It! Ontario Arts Council, Toronto, Ontario. November 30/ December 1, 2017
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2017. Deaf Hearing Cross-Cultural Interaction. Stratford Festival Theatre. Stratford, Ontario. August 10, 2017.
- Cripps, J.H., Small, A., Cripps, J.S., Rosenblum, E. and Begue, J. 2017. Signed Music Emergence Workshop, Deaf Culture Centre, Toronto, Ontario, June 10, 2017.
- Small, A. 2017. A Taste of Deaf View Image Art (De’VIA) and Signed Music. Ontario Arts Council. Toronto, Ontario. March 8, 2017.
- MacKinnon, C. and Small, A. 2017. On Screen with Deaf Performers. ACTRA Toronto’s Winter Members’ Conference. Toronto, Ontario. February 22, 2017.
- Small, A. 2017. Welcoming Diverse Audiences at the ROM: How Can the ROM Be Its Best Self? Toronto, Ontario. Phase I Workshop Series: December 7, 2016; January 24/ 25, 2017.
- Small, A. 2016. Deaf Artists and Theatres Toolkit. Panel Discussion. Working in Culture: Accessibility and Employment in Arts and Culture, ReelAbilities and WorkInCulture, Toronto, Canada. October 6, 2016.
- Small, A. and Catherine MacKinnon, 2016. Deaf Artists and Theatres Toolkit Training Workshop. Producers Learning Network, Toronto, Ontario, October 5, 2016.
- Small, A. 2016. Effective Grant Writing for H3 Network Media Alliance: Build Your Dream House and Live In It. Toronto, Ontario, May 31, 2016.
- Small, A. 2016. Effective Grant Writing for Deaf Arts Canada. Nurturing Deaf Arts, Deaf Arts Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 9, 2016.
- Small, A. 2016. “Moving” Force of Poetry in the Netherlands: Lecture in Honour of Wim Emmerik (1940-2015). Deaf Gain Day, Hogeschool Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands, March 19, 2016.
- Small, A. 2016. Effective Grant Writing to Enhance Diverse Audience Engagement at the ROM, Toronto, Ontario, January 6, 2016.
- Rosenblum, E., Cripps, J. S. and Small, A. 2015. Signed Music/ Eye Music. Emergence Symposium, Arts and Equity: Leading Social Change, Toronto, Canada, November 13, 2015.
- Small, A. 2015. Deaf Artists and Theatres Toolkit (DATT): Beyond Access – Empowerment and Engagement. Performance and Accessibility, Caminos 2015, Aluna Theatre and Native Earth Performing Arts, Daniel Speck Building, Toronto, Canada, November 7, 2015.
- Small, A. 2015. NGT Performing Arts in the Netherlands: Pilot Study Preliminary Findings. Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education, Knowledge Centre and the Institute for Sign Language and Deaf Studies, Netherlands, March 17, 2015.
- Small, A., Cripps, J.S., Rosenblum, E. and Cripps, J.H. 2015. Signed Music: Rhythm of the Heart, Documentary Presentation and Forum. Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education, Knowledge Centre and the Institute for Sign Language and Deaf Studies, Netherlands, February 12, 2015.
- Small, A., 2015. Deaf-Hearing Cross-Cultural Interaction: A Sociolinguistic Perspective. Amsterdam center for language and Communication, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, February 6, 2015.
- Small, A., 2014. A Taste of Canadian Deaf Cultural Space, Deaf View Image Art (De’VIA) and ASL Literature. Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education, Knowledge Centre and the Institute for Sign Language and Deaf Studies, Netherlands, October 30, 2014.
- Small, A., Cripps, J.H., Rosenblum, E. and Cripps, J.S. 2014. Towards an Expansive Description of Sign Language Performing Arts and Inter-Performative Art. Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education, Knowledge Centre and the Institute for Sign Language and Deaf Studies, Netherlands, October 29, 2014.
- Rosenblum, N. and Small, A. 2014. The ‘I’/ ‘We’ Dilemma: Collaboration, Co-operation and My Success? EUREKA Institute for Translational Medicine, International Certificate Program, Ortigia, Italy, May 16, 2014.
- Cripps, J.H., Rosenblum, E. and Small, A. 2014. Signed Music: An Emerging Inter-Performative Art. Deaf Studies Today Conference, Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah, April 10-12, 2014.
- Cripps, J.H., Rosenblum, E. and Small, A. 2013. Towards a Signed Music: A Brief History of Signed Language Performance Practices, Performing Prejudice Symposium, Newcastle University, UK, July 22, 2013.
- Small, A and Cripps, J.S. 2012. Animated ASL Dictionary for Children MDASLTA Conference, Invited Speaker, Towson University, MD, November 10, 2012.
- Small, A, Côté, J. and Cripps, J.S. 2012. Cultural Space and Deaf Identity in Education OISE/UT KNAER Presentation, Toronto, September 28, 2012.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2011. Deafhood Versus Audism in Deaf Education (Symposium) TESOL Conference, Invited Speaker, New Orleans, March 19, 2011.
- Small, A. Bilingual Language Planning in Deaf Education: Language, Literacy and Empowerment, How to Develop Biliteracy for Deaf Children: First International Seminar, Invited Speaker and Consultant, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, Feb 23, 2011.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. S. 2011. On Becoming: Developing An Empowering Cultural Identity Framework for Deaf Youth and Adults Ministry of Children and Youth Services February 16, 2011.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2010. Animated ASL Dictionary for Children (Symposium) TESOL Conference, Boston, MA, March 26, 2010.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2010. Deaf Culture Centre. NTID/RIT ASL Lecture Series, Invited Speaker, Rochester, NY, April 16, 2010.
- Small, A. and Cripps. J.S. 2010. Deaf Culture Centre Virtual Museum Website. NTID/RIT Innovations Forum, Invited Speaker, Rochester, NY, April 17, 2010.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2010. A Journey Into Deaf Culture. Celebrating Linguistic Diversity Conference, OISE/UofT, Toronto District School Board, Toronto, ON, April 29, 2010.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2010. First Animated American Sign Language Dictionary for Young Children: A resource to expand phonological and semantic knowledge (Symposium) International Congress on the Education of the Deaf, Vancouver, BC, July 19, 2010.
- Small, A. 2009. Sign Language Rights: Birthright and Shelter International Day of Sign Language Rights Rally, Invited Speaker, Toronto, Ontario, October 2, 2009.
- Bishop, M. Hornburg, M. Small, A. and J.S. Cripps 2009. Case Study: Deafplanet, Communications Without Borders, Innoversity Summit, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Ontario, March 9, 2009.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2008. Language Planning and Resources in Bilingual Deaf Education, Northern Secondary School Professional Development Day Workshop, December 5, 2008.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2008. Igor Kolombatovic: Documenting the Legendary Artist and Survivor in All of Us, Deaf Canada Conference, Calgary, Alberta, July 25, 2008.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2007. Critical Language Planning in Bilingual Deaf Education, York University, Faculty of Education, November 21, 2007.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. Communication Guidelines Workshop Series, Bob Rumball Home for the Deaf, Barrie, Ontario, October 29 – November 26, 2007
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2007. Deaf Culture Centre: Celebration of Deaf Life – Journey Past Oppression, World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, Madrid, Spain, July, 2007.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2007. Cross Cultural Interaction, York University, Faculty of Education, February 6, 2007.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2006. Biographies and Autobiographies: Look to the Past to Reveal the Future, Deaf Canada Conference, Quebec City, July 19, 2006.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2006. Deaf Culture Centre: Celebrating Deaf Life, Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada (AVLIC) Conference, July 7, 2006.
- Small, A. 2006. ASL Milestones ASL Parent-Child Mother Goose Conference, Ontario Cultural Society of the Deaf, Courtyard Marriott, Mississauga, Ontario, April 8, 2006.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2005. Corpus Planning: Using ASL and English Interactive Multimedia to Facilitate Development. Center for ASL and English Bilingual Education and Research Conference, Galluadet University, March 12, 2005.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2004. Mixing Oil and Water: Non-profit Organizations and Businesses –
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2004. Production of Bilingual Materials, Ontario Association of the Deaf Annual Conference, Belleville, Ontario.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J. 2004. Early ASL and Literacy Acquisition: Research and Practice, David
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2004. Peikoff Chair of Deafness Studies, Research Lecture, University of Alberta, March 4, 2004.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2004. Bilingual Deaf Education Materials: Principles, Resources and Application to the Curriculum, Western Canadian Centre of Studies in Deafness, Connect Society and the Alberta School for the Deaf, March 5, 2004.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2003. Innovative Multi-Media Literacy Project: Program Design, Demonstration and Research, World Congress, World Federation of the Deaf, July 22, 2003.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2002. Literacy and Preschool Children, Key Note Address, Annual General Meeting, Toronto Preschool Speech and Language Services, Toronto, Ontario, October, 2002.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2002. Early Language and Literacy Development through Multimedia, Deaf Way II International Conference, Washington, D.C. , July, 2002.
- Small, A. 2002. Comparative Linguistics, ASL Language and Literacy Consultant Training, April, 2002.
- Small, A. 2002. Early Bilingual Language Development In Deaf Children, Canadian Hearing Society National Board of Directors presentation, February, 2002.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2001, Early Language and Literacy Development Through Multimedia, Canadian Association of Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, B.C. (CAEDHH-BC) Conference, Vancouver, B.C.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2001, Early Language and Literacy Development Through Multimedia, National Symposium on Childhood Deafness, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2001 Early Language and Literacy Development Through Multimedia, Canadian Association of Educators of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (CAEDHH) Conference, St. Johns, Newfoundland.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2001. Cross-Cultural Interaction. Deaf Centre, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
- Small, A. 2000 Bilingual Bicultural Deaf Education: Theory and Practice. Canadian Deaf Festival Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2000. ASL and Deaf Heritage Literature. Canadian Deaf Festival Conference, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2000. ASL and English Literacies. Elementary Teachers, E.C. Drury School for the Deaf, Milton, Ontario.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 2000. Cross Cultural Mediation Workshop University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario.
- Small, A. and Cripps, J.S. 1999. ASL and English Literacies Workshop. Home Visit Instructors, Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf, Belleville, Ontario.
- Small, A. 1998. First and Second Language Acquisition, Deaf Studies guest presenter. York University, Toronto, Ontario.
- Small. A. 1997. Teacher Research in a Bilingual Bicultural School for Deaf Students: Signs of Change From Within. Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf, Belleville, Ontario.
- Liebman Youngs, I. and Small, A. 1996. ASL Development in Preschool Children and the Teacher as Researcher, Northeast Central Regional Conference for Early Home Interventionists of Special needs Infants and Young Children, Milton,Ontario.
- Small, A. 1994. Deaf/Hearing Cross Cultural Interaction. Rochester Institute of Technology, Interpreter Training Program, Milton, Ontario
- Small, A. 1994. Bilingual Bicultural Education of Deaf Students. Metro Toronto School for the Deaf, Toronto, Ontario.
- Carbin, C. and Small, A. 1994. Bilingual Bicultural Education of Deaf Students. Catholic Separate School Board, Toronto, Ontario.
- Small, A. 1994. Bilingual Bicultural Education of Deaf Students. University of Toronto, School of Human Communication Disorders, Toronto, Ontario.
- Small, A.1994. Cultural Mediation Training. Advocacy Officers Group. Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, Toronto, Ontario.
- Small, A. 1994. Cultural Identity and Deaf Education. Third Annual ASL Workshop, Ontario Ministry of Education and Training, Milton, Ontario.
- Small, A. and Gibson, H. 1993. Bilingual Bicultural Deaf Education. York University, Teacher Preparation Programme in the Education of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students, Faculty of Education, Toronto, Ontario.
- Small, A. 1993. Cross Cultural Interaction. York University, Teacher Preparation Programme in the Education of Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students, Faculty of Education, Toronto, Ontario.
- Carbin, C. and Small, A. 1993. A Bilingual Bicultural Approach to Deaf Education, Ontario Speech, Language Pathology and Audiology Association Convention, Toronto, Ontario.
- Small, A. 1993. A Bilingual Bicultural Perspective on Literacy(ies) in Deaf Education, City University of New York, Laguardia Community College, Humanities and Communication Skills Departments, Long Island City, New York.
- Small, A. 1993. Literacies of Deaf Students, Child Language and Education II: The Development of Literacy, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education, Cambridge.
- Philip, M.J. Small, A. and Schwab, W. 1992. Bilingual Bicultural Deaf Education Teacher Training Conference, Washington State Association for the Deaf, Vancouver, Washington.
- Philip, M.J. Small, A. and Schwab, W. 1992. Bilingual Bicultural Deaf Education Teacher Training Workshop, Washington State School for the Deaf, Vancouver, Washington.
- Small, A. and Philip, M.J. 1992. Bicultural Language Arts Program for Deaf Students, TESOL Convention, Vancouver, B.C.
- Philip, M.J. and Small, A. 1992. Collaborative Systems for Bilingual Bicultural Reform in Deaf Education, TESOL Convention, Vancouver, B.C.
- Small, A. and Philip, M.J. 1991. Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Deaf Education, Provincial Teacher Training Conference, Sir James Whitney School for the Deaf, Belleville, Ontario.
- Philip, M.J. and Small, A. 1991. Bilingual Bicultural Program Development in Deaf Education, Staff In-service Training, Jackson Mann School for the Deaf, Boston
- Fournier, D. and Small, A. 1990. Communication Development Through Interaction: When to Communicate What, to Whom and How. Paper presented at the Mass Parents Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Annual Conference, Boston.
- Fournier, D., Small, A. and Luloff, A. 1988. A Consultation Model: Changing Communication Intervention for the Deaf. Paper presented at the American Speech, Language and Hearing Association Convention, Boston.
- Small, A., 1987. Use of communication projects for developing functional language. Paper presented at the Ninth Annual Special Education In-service Conference, Massachusetts Association of Approved Private Schools, Boston.
- Small, A., March 1987. Facilitating speech and language development at home: do’s and don’ts. Paper presented at the Second Annual Informational Fair, Massachusetts Parents Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Framingham.
- Small, A., June 1986. Developing functional language in hearing impaired adolescents. Paper presented at A.G. Bell Association Convention, Chicago.
- Small, A., June 1986. Public Speaking Contest: Developing functional language in hearing impaired adolescents. Paper presented at A.G. Bell Association Convention, Chicago.
- Truax, R., Edwards, B., & Small, A., June 1982. Story writing of hearing-impaired children. Paper presented at A.G. Bell Association Convention, Toronto.
- Small, A., May 1982. Communicative Intents: A descriptive investigation of a preverbal infant interacting with his parents. Paper presented at the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati.