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“small LANGUAGE CONNECTIONS” provides language, culture and communication expertise throughout the lifespan for individuals, schools, universities and organizations. This includes expert language tutoring, workshops, presentations, research and writing, editing, curriculum and program development, grant writing, cultural mediation and consultation.
For more detailed information contact me, Anita Small, by email at asmall@mac.com or to set up a video call. You can also contact me by phone at (905) 886-3010. Thank you!
For Individuals

One to one personalized attention for elementary through university students. English tutoring and organization skills applied to all subject areas in a nurturing environment with high expectations.
For Schools and Universities

Resources development, consultation, program development and evaluation, presentations, workshops and courses related to language and culture based on state of the art research.
For Organizations

Cross cultural interaction consultation, strategic planning, research, program innovation and evaluation, presentations, workshops, grant writing mentorship for effective communication and success.